1. 理解「between」的基本含義
使用情境 | 例句 |
指兩者之間 | The agreement is between the two parties. |
![如何在英文寫作中正確使用「between」 [How to use "between" correctly in English writing] ?避免5個常見錯誤](https://littlenewton.efroip.tw/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/0.8123741329668277.png)
2. 避免用於三者或以上的情況
錯誤用法 | 正確用法 |
The secret is between my friends and me. | The secret is among my friends and me. |
![如何在英文寫作中正確使用「between」 [How to use "between" correctly in English writing] ?避免5個常見錯誤](https://littlenewton.efroip.tw/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/0.04442736880472831.png)
3. 理解「between」的時態使用
錯誤用法 | 正確用法 |
The negotiations between the countries was successful. | The negotiations between the countries were successful. |
![如何在英文寫作中正確使用「between」 [How to use "between" correctly in English writing] ?避免5個常見錯誤](https://littlenewton.efroip.tw/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/0.7562276468172331.png)
4. 注意量的正確使用
錯誤用法 | 正確用法 |
There is a clear difference between the two options. | There are clear differences between the two options. |
![如何在英文寫作中正確使用「between」 [How to use "between" correctly in English writing] ?避免5個常見錯誤](https://littlenewton.efroip.tw/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/0.9863351088788346.png)
5. 使用固定短語
在寫作中,了解「between」所搭配的固定短語也有助於提升寫作的準確性。例如,當說到交流時,我們通常說「between A and B」。而有些短語是不正確的,例如:
錯誤用法 | 正確用法 |
He was in conflict between his heart and mind. | He was in conflict between his heart and his mind. |
![如何在英文寫作中正確使用「between」 [How to use "between" correctly in English writing] ?避免5個常見錯誤](https://littlenewton.efroip.tw/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/0.032042036265240714-1024x655.png)
藉由了解 「between」 的正確用法,並避免上述五個常見錯誤,寫作者能夠提升其寫作水平,增強語言表達的精確性。無論是在學術文章、商業報告還是日常交流中,正確使用「between」將有助於提高溝通的有效性。希望以上的內容能為各位在英文寫作中提供有價值的指導,幫助你在語言的使用上獲得更大的自信。