如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]


1. 需要使用廁所


– “Excuse me, I need to visit the restroom.”
– “Would you mind if I take a quick break to use the facilities?”


場合 優雅表達
家裡 “I’ll be right back, I need to freshen up.”
工作場合 “Permit me a moment; I have to step out briefly.”
公共場合 “I need to excuse myself for a moment.”
如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]

2. 想要衛生紙


– “Could someone kindly bring me some toilet paper, please?”
– “I seem to be out of tissue; could you assist me?”


場景 優雅表達
家裡 “Would you be so kind as to pass me the toilet paper?”
公共廁所 “May I request some additional toilet paper, please?”
如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]

3. 需尋找洗手液或肥皂


– “Do you happen to have any hand soap available?”
– “Could you please direct me to where I might find hand sanitizer?”


場合 優雅表達
聚會 “Excuse me, could you tell me where the hand soap is?”
餐廳 “May I ask if there’s hand sanitizer in the restroom?”
如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]

4. 需要紙巾或毛巾


– “May I please have some paper towels?”
– “Could you point me towards the towels, please?”


場合 優雅表達
家裡 “Would you mind handing me a paper towel?”
工作場合 “Could I trouble you for a towel, please?”
如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]

5. 反映廁所清潔狀況


– “I’d like to bring to your attention that the restroom could use some cleaning.”
– “It seems the facilities are not as clean as one would hope; could this be addressed?”


場合 優雅表達
餐廳 “I hope you don’t mind me mentioning, but the restroom appears to need some attention.”
公共場合 “I’d like to kindly suggest that the restroom requires cleaning.”
如何用英文優雅地說對廁所的5個常見需求? [How to elegantly talk about 5 common needs for restrooms in English?]


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