隨著颱風季節的到來,了解颱風相關的英語表達變得尤為重要。 在這篇報導中,我們將探討五種與颱風有關的情境,以及在這些情境中應用的關鍵英語詞彙 。這些詞彙不僅有助於日常交流,更能確保您在面對颱風的各種情況時,能清楚、準確地表達自己的想法。
1. 颱風的登陸與進逼
例如 ,在新聞報導中,常聽到「The typhoon is expected to make landfall in the evening」表示颱風預計會在晚上登陸。
中文 | 英文 | 例句 |
登陸 | make landfall | When will the typhoon make landfall? |
侵襲 | hit | Will the typhoon hit Taiwan? |
逼近 | approach | The approaching typhoon is predicted to be strong. |
持續 | last | How long will the typhoon last? |
2. 颱風警報的發布
例如 ,政府可能會說「We have issued a red alert for the typhoon, urging residents to stay indoors」來提醒居民留在室內。
中文 | 英文 | 例句 |
發布 | issue | We’re going to issue a sea warning for the typhoon. |
解除 | lift | The warning has been lifted after the typhoon moved out. |
3. 停班停課的安排
舉例來說 ,「The Taipei City Government has called off school and work after 4 p.m.」表示台北市政府在下午四點後停班停課。
中文 | 英文 | 例句 |
停班停課 | call off school and work | The government has called off school and work for tomorrow. |
颱風假 | typhoon day | When will we know if we get a typhoon day or not? |
放一天假 | get a day off | Tomorrow we will get a day off due to the typhoon. |
4. 準備應對颱風的措施
例句 中,您可能會聽到「Residents are advised to stock up on food and water before the storm arrives」以提醒居民提前儲備食物和水。
中文 | 英文 | 例句 |
儲藏 | hoard | It’s important to hoard food for an emergency. |
囤積 | stock up | People tend to stock up on essentials before a typhoon. |
叫外賣 | call for delivery | Don’t call for delivery when a typhoon is coming. |
5. 颱風造成的影響
簡單來說 ,如同「I hope tourist spots in Taitung will not be damaged」強調對特定地區的關注。
中文 | 英文 | 例句 |
破壞 | damage | The typhoon caused significant damage to infrastructure. |
影響 | affect | Will the typhoon affect the power supply? |
總結而言,上述的五種情境及其相關詞彙將幫助您在颱風來襲時,更加自信和有效地進行交流。在颱風即將襲來的時候, 保持警覺、做好準備,使自己和他人都能安全度過這段時間,才是最重要的 。希望這篇文章能帶給您實用的幫助,祝您平安無事!