如何用英文表達『考試順利祝福』?掌握這5個實用句型 [How to Express ‘Good Luck on Your Exam’ in English? Master These 5 Useful Phrases]


1. Congratulations on Your Hard Work!


句型 示例
Congratulations on your hard work! “Congratulations on your hard work! I’m sure it will pay off in the exam!”

2. Wishing You All the Best on Your Exam!


句型 示例
Wishing you all the best on your exam! “Wishing you all the best on your exam! I believe in your abilities!”

3. You’ve Got This!

鼓勵性的語言能極大提升考生的信心。“You’ve got this” 是一種有效的鼓勵方式,讓他們知道你相信他們的能力。出色的表現並非偶然,這句話能令他們在考試中更加自信。

句型 示例
You’ve got this! “Just remember, you’ve got this! Go in there and show them what you’ve got!”

4. Good Luck, You’ll Do Amazing!


句型 示例
Good luck, you’ll do amazing! “Good luck, you’ll do amazing! Just trust yourself and your preparation!”

5. Remember Your Preparation!


句型 示例
Remember your preparation! “Remember your preparation! You’ve studied hard, now it’s time to shine!”


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