1. 溝通的基礎:常見的交流短語
短語 | 使用情境 | 示例 |
Can we touch base? | 跟進某個話題或事項 | “Can we touch base on the project updates?” |
Let’s circle back. | 後續討論或回到某個主題 | “Let’s circle back to this issue later.” |
I’d like to get your input. | 請求他人意見 | “I’d like to get your input on this proposal.” |
Let’s brainstorm. | 集思廣益,共同想出新點子 | “Let’s brainstorm some ideas for the marketing campaign.” |
I see your point. | 表達對他人觀點的理解 | “I see your point, but I have a different perspective.” |
2. 合作的藝術:倡導與支持的短語
短語 | 使用情境 | 示例 |
I appreciate your efforts. | 感謝他人的付出 | “I appreciate your efforts on this report.” |
You’re doing great work. | 提升同事士氣 | “You’re doing great work on this project!” |
Let’s collaborate on this. | 提出合力的邀請 | “Let’s collaborate on this task together.” |
I’m here to help. | 表示願意提供協助 | “I’m here to help if you need any support.” |
Keep up the good work! | 表達對同事的鼓勵 | “Keep up the good work! We’re almost there.” |
3. 會議中的精華:質疑與回饋的短語
短語 | 使用情境 | 示例 |
Could you clarify that? | 請求更詳細或明確的解釋 | “Could you clarify that point for us?” |
What are your thoughts? | 邀請他人分享觀點 | “What are your thoughts on this strategy?” |
I’d like to challenge that. | 提出不同看法以促進深入討論 | “I’d like to challenge that assumption.” |
That’s an interesting perspective. | 表達對他人觀點的認可並引導討論 | “That’s an interesting perspective; let’s explore it.” |
Can we take a step back? | 要求暫停討論以重新思考問題 | “Can we take a step back and rethink our approach?” |
4. 多元文化的挑戰:跨文化交流短語
短語 | 使用情境 | 示例 |
In my culture, we… | 分享自身文化背景 | “In my culture, we emphasize teamwork.” |
I understand this may be different for you. | 表示對他人文化背景的理解 | “I understand this may be different for you.” |
Let’s find common ground. | 尋求共同點以促進合作 | “Let’s find common ground to move forward.” |
Thank you for your patience. | 感謝他人對文化差異的包容 | “Thank you for your patience as we navigate this.” |
Can we approach this differently? | 提議改變方式以適應文化差異 | “Can we approach this differently to suit our team’s diversity?” |
5. 完美結尾:總結與展望的短語
短語 | 使用情境 | 示例 |
To recap what we discussed… | 總結會議內容 | “To recap what we discussed, we will…” |
Looking forward to our next steps. | 表示對未來工作的期待 | “Looking forward to our next steps!” |
Thanks for everyone’s input today. | 感謝同事的參與 | “Thanks for everyone’s input today.” |
Let’s keep the momentum going. | 鼓勵團隊保持積極的進展 | “Let’s keep the momentum going!” |
I’m excited to see where this leads us. | 表達對未來進展的期待 | “I’m excited to see where this leads us.” |